Are We Girls Or Are We Demons? Are We Going To Die Or Are We Going To Survive? In this bold and immersive fantasy, a young heroine fights to save a world that would dare tame her and discovers she is her own fiercest weapon. The Gilded Ones is a young adult fantasy novel. It

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I picked a few books at random out of my TBR Jar and the first book to come out was The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman. I was so happy, I had only bought it a few weeks before and I couldn’t wait to read it. The Thursday Murder Club is newly published. It was released

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The stage is set, take your seats… It’s 1870: in the Royal Opera House in the freezing city of C- Celeste sees the chandelier shaped like a galleon fall from its moorings. As it splinters into a thousand pieces, she and her ghostly companion find themselves wandering in the gutter of Time. Here they must

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I’m back with another review! I was hoping to have had one posted by now but Christmas and New Year really threw my reading schedule out, I’m a bit of a home bird and I’m not used to being so busy on the social side of life! But no stress, I am back with another

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Hi guys! I am back with another review. This one a highly anticipated read for me. It was one of those books that had been on my TBR for so long, and I kept forgetting about it. I alway found myself picking it up in a book store but never buying it. Then my parents

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Helloooo. I’ve finally pulled myself out of my reading slump, that wasn’t really a slump, but was. It doesn’t make sense, I know. But, basically for the past couple of weeks I’ve been reading and it felt somewhat like a chore, and I knew I had to read, but I felt apprehensive when doing so.

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